From myself Captain Heidi, Skipper Tammy and Shipshape Sue we wish all of our wonderful client crew as well as any new recruits interested in joining us a very Happy and Healthy New Year for 2019!
We trust that you have had a good festive break where hopefully you have managed to relax, eat, drink and be merry and have had a good time catching up with family, friends and loved ones.
We are all well and truly rested here at HMS Shipshape HQ and are ready to set sail on our 2019 exercise voyage with you. We promise to ease you back in gently as remember your fitness adventure is a long, sustainable and rewarding journey and not a race!
Check out the offers that are available to you if you either print them off or show them on your phone ahead of class. *Note only one voucher to be used per a customer.
Classes start this coming Monday 7th January and Wednesday 9th January 2019 7-8pm with our Dance Aerobics Anchor class at Crowan Primary School, Moorfield, Praze an Beeble, Camborne, TR14 0LG
We look forward to seeing you shortly!